5 Essential upgrades to improve your search results in 2022.

1. SSL Certificates

This applies to every website, not just e-commerce website or websites collecting information through forms and sign ups.
An SSL shows that you are a professional website and that your site is secure.

Google wants the internet to be a much safer experience for all users and is penalising any website without an SSL by marking the website as ‘Not Secure’

Act now and get your site SSL ready as it will affect your search results and online reputation.

2. Responsive website

Yes, we’re still talking about responsive websites in 2022.
I know the term has been around for years, but you would be amazed how many high-level websites are still not mobile friendly.

Not having a responsive website will also impact search results.

3. WordPress 5.3.2

Your site needs to be on the latest WordPress in most cases. That is unless you have a customised e-commerce site or a large database website where other solutions are more suitable.
If you haven’t upgraded for a while, do it now!

Google responds better to the latest WordPress theme than an outdated website

4. Speed up your website

A slow website can be fixed in 5 upgrade steps (See our post below)

5. Publish relevant content regularly

Take a few hours a week to write a blog post on your website or write meaningful content on your pages.
Google likes websites that get updated regularly.