Is your website SSL ready?

From October 17th 2017, Google has taken the decision to mark every website as ‘Not Secure’ that doesn’t have a SSL certificate installed.

Its a difficult situation for any website owner who is now faced with another upgrade to their website that they feel they can do without. For those sites that are secure, they will get a nice green padlock and the words ‘Secure’ in green on the top left of the Chrome browser.

You can see it by looking at the top left of this website and here’s how it looks on one of our client’s websites within a Chrome browser for example.

​The eventual treatment of all websites that don’t have an SSL Certificate is shown below.

Whether you have a small blog or a large transactional website taking hundreds of orders a day, both sites will require the relevant certificate, or face users turning away in favour of websites that are secure.The correct certificate for your website will need to be researched, purchased, validated and installed. If you have multiple domains or sub domains then the task is complicated further. You will need one certificate per domain and if your site uses multiple sub domains you will require a wildcard certificate.
If your domain name is in a different location to your website (For example you own your domain name at 123 Reg, but your website is hosted on then you will need a validation request to set up the certificate. In most cases this can be done by creating an extra CNAME record and waiting 24 hours for it to propagate before processing.

The generic process to setting up an SSL for your website

1. Choose the correct certificate for your website
DV: Domain Validation
OV: Organisation Validation
EV: Extended Validation
2. Purchase the certificate
3.Generate a certificate signing request (CSR).
4. Upload your CSR
5. Request the SSL certificate
6. Verify Certificate
7 Wait for validation
8. Install the SSL certificate. Check all pages, links and images resolve to https (not http)With a wide range of certificates on the market and different levels of certification required, depending on the type of website you have, whether you sell goods or have a large organisation or just run a blog or brochure site, finding the correct certificate can be baffling.Even Googling SSL Certificate brings up a big list of suppliers all with their own terms and descriptions.If you would like a no-obligation audit of your website to see what level of certification you require and the steps you need to take to take for validation and installation, please leave your details on our homepage form.